Terms and Conditions

The Following Terms and conditions are in place to protect you, the trainee, and Able Rider Training and its staff. Please take time to read everything. When you book and at the start of training you will be asked by a member of staff to confirm you have read the following by signing or responding accordingly by text message.

Cancellation Policy for Trainees

-Should you wish to cancel or move you appointment we require that you give a minimum of 10 working days notice. If sufficient notice is not given you will not be entitled to a refund.

-Should you fail to attend for any reason e.g. Illness, stuck in traffic, transportation break down, etc. You will not be entitled to a refund.

-If you feel that a bad weather forecast will prevent you from attending your training. You must contact a member of Able Rider Training to discuss any issues the day before, in order to make other more suitable arrangements. If you do not attend due to bad weather on the day without prior contact you will forfeit your deposit. This decision can be overridden at the discretion of an Able Rider Training staff member.

Cancellation due to Bad weather

-Should there be bad weather on the day or forecast for training, and it is potentially unviable to be able to complete a course. For example if the weather was forecast high winds or snow for the following day or afternoon. We, Able Rider Training, reserve the right to cancel the training and move it to a later date.

-Should there be bad weather on the day of training and all the trainees and the instructor agrees to postpone, cancel or move the training to another. Trainees will not forfeit their payment for that session and training will pick up where it was left off on a later arranged date.

-The instructor’s decision is final if cancelling due to bad weather. Any decision made is to protect you and to protect the instructor.

Cancellation by Able Rider Training

-Should an instructor become sick/unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances and cover is not possible. You will be contacted as soon as possible, and a later date will be arranged for training without extra charge. If the day is not suitable. You are entitled to a refund.

Cancellation of test by DVSA

-Should your test be cancelled due to bad weather you will not be entitled to a refund for training. You may receive a refund for the time it takes to travel to and from test centre.

-Should your test be cancelled by the DVSA and you have lost your test fee or out of pocket. It is your responsibility to claim any loss of earnings or fees. Please see the following links:


Eye Sight Requirements

-You must be able to read in good daylight (with the aid of glasses or contact lenses if worn) a registration mark fixed to a motor vehicle and containing letters and figures 79.4 millimetres high at a distance of 20.5 metres (or 20 metres for new style number plates).

Entitlement to drive

-You confirm you have entitlement to provisionally drive a motorcycle whilst under tuition and MUST NOT be disqualified from driving / riding.

Language and Communication

-You must have a good understanding of the English language and be able to communicate to a satisfactory standard with the instructor


-On all CBT courses you must produce; a valid UK full or Provisional Licence, or Paper Licence with supporting Passport

-On all CBT courses you must know or bring your national insurance number with you so we can check your online driving license entitlement. This is used to check validity of license, entitlement to ride, bans penalties etc. We are required by the Driving and Vehicle standards agency to do this.

-For DAS Courses & Tests you will need to bring your Valid CBT Certificate, Valid Theory Test Certificate and UK Driving Licence, or Paper Licence with supporting Passport

-If your photo ID is not of true likeness and your identity cannot be confirmed. You will be refused training and money will not be returned.

-Should you forget or lose your valid documents when being presented for test or CBT, you will not be entitled to a refund.


-Due to the nature of learning to ride, there is always an element of risk that cannot be completely eliminated. Unlike learning to drive, your instructor does not have direct controls of your vehicle so it is ultimately your responsibility to ride responsibly. In order to reduce any risk you must comply with the following:

  1. Ensure that you are in a fit mental and physical state to train
  2. You must not be over tired as this will affect your riding
  3. You must not have taken and illegal drugs/ or alcohol as this negatively affects your ability to operate a motorcycle.
  4. You must inform your instructor if there are any medical conditions that may affect your riding, and you must inform your instructor of any problems that arise throughout the training e.g. needing toilet breaks, getting too cold, being hungry/ thirsty, motorcycle warning lights, abnormal noises coming from the bike.
  5. Able Rider Training does provide helmets, jackets and gloves, if required, at no extra cost.
  6. When taking your motorcycle test the minimum requirement is strong denim jeans, strong sturdy boots with ankle protection, motorcycle jacket, motorcycle gloves, and motorcycle helmet. With this in mind we ask that you wear at least strong denim jeans and strong work/walking boots, should you not own any kit.
  7. Should you wear shorts, jogging bottoms, flip flops/ sandals, Able Rider Training reserves the right to terminate your training without refund should your attire not be rectified within a reasonable time.
  8. We strongly advise that you bring, money for food & drink, or your own food and drink on any training day. Tea and Coffee is normally available.

Motorcycle & Equipment Hire

-Should you cause any damage to the bike you, the trainee, accepts liability for the first £500 of damage

-Should you cause any damage to any equipment (radios, helmet, gloves, jackets, highvis, waterproofs) you accept liability to pay for or replace that equipment with something equal.

-Should you select ‘Own Bike’ when booking a CBT online, we cannot guarantee we have a bike suitable for you on the day of the CBT as they may already be arranged for another trainee. You take responsibility to ensure you have a suitable road legal machine to complete your CBT on. If it is not suitable or you fail to bring one you will not be able to take your CBT and therefor forfeit your CBT fee.

CBT & Riding ability

-Due to the nature of the taking your CBT some people have no experience and some people have been riding all of their life. This can mean that a CBT can take longer or shorter depending on the day and who you are with.

-You understand that should you not meet the required minimum standard of control, in the allotted time, to move on to the road riding element of the CBT, you will have to come back another day at the cost of another days bike hire should you wish to carry on. You will not be entitled to a refund if you do not complete the CBT.

-The cost of the CBT only covers the day of training and doesn’t cover extra days if needing to come back to complete.

-Should you require or choose to do so you may consider the possibility of having 1:1 tuition charged by the hour.

-The CBT is not a test, it is a continually assessed course. You must be able to demonstrate reasonable consistency/recall with each skill or new information presented to you, in order to move on to the next stages.


-Should you book a course with tests included, you understand that should you fail the module 1 test you will not be able to take the module 2 test. As a result any payment for training and tests will not be refunded.

-Booking an 3, 4, 5 day intensive course is booked at your risk with all funds being required to be paid at the time of booking to secure your place.

-When booking an intensive course you understand that if you do not reach the required standard to operate a large machine the instructor has the right to refuse you riding a 600cc+ motorcycle and potentially you may not be able to take your test on one. This is due to health and safety. Whilst this situation is highly rare it can occur.

-All intensive courses require 10 full working days notice to cancel or amend booking in order to receive a full refund.

If you do not understand or agree to any of the above or have any questions message us on our usual number.